Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bakrie School of Management (BSM)

Bakrie School of Management (BSM) gave the opportunity to Putra/the Indonesian daughter was best for gathered in BSM the study program of S1 Manajemen and S1 Akuntansi through the scholarship program was full.

1. Freely university fees until was finished (4 years).
2. Freely the TOEFL cost preparation until achieving the value 600 for 4 semesters.
1.The healthy Indonesian citizen the body and spiritual.
2.Pass SMA/Aliyah or was equal to him with the passing year 2006/2007.
3.The level 1 to 3 in respectively the class.
4.Had the English capacity with the value toelf prediction 530 or more.
5.Prepared followed test the selection
The CONDUCT of the all SUBMISSION the condition above was put in one measuring envelope A4 was brown that was aimed to the submission address with wrote the "Beasiswa" to the envelope left upper.
for more information click here

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