Friday, June 13, 2008

Al - Hidayah Scholarhip

The college of Agama Islam Al-Hidayat again opened the scholarship program was full (100%) during the lesson year 2008/2009.The level of education that was opened was S-1 with 2 faculties:
1.The Ushuluddin faculty with the interpretation hadist major
2.The Tarbiyah faculty with the Education of Islam
Fasilitas educational that was given was:
1. Freely university fees for 4 tahun
2. Freely the cost of eat
3. Boarding
The condition:
1. Passed the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL/was equal in 2006 s.d.2008
2. The Nilai Ujian Nasional average minimal 6,00
3. The average the value on the class of the report 1 s.d. the class 3 7,00
4. The measuring photograph 3x4 totalling 3 lembar
The Benefit of the program:
1. The blend of the national curriculum and the islamic boarding school of Al-Akhwain
2. Memorised Al-Qur'an (minimal 8 sections)
3. Could read the Arabic book
4. Memorised 40 hadist/year
The registration:
1. The registration was closed finally on July 15 2008
2. The registration could be carried out through:
a. The email: or
b. The post: Po.Box 01 Ciomas Bogor
c. Fax: 0251 389 788
d. Or came directly in: the Campus of STAI Al-Hidayat Street.
Yusuf Bogor Po.Box Captain 01 Ciomas 16610 Bogor Telp: 0251 388 696
Penyeleksian and the Announcement:
1. Penyeleksian was carried out to 16 -19 in July 2008
2. The announcement on July 21 2008
Contact Person:
1. Aceng Zakaria 0852 809 10332
2. Sarifudin 0859 6969 7666
Indonesian Version ( click here )

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