Thursday, January 31, 2008

The STT MUSI scholarship

Acceptance of the new student the year 2008/2009

The completeness of administration that must be attached:
1 Photocopy of the report on the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL/SMK the class 1 and 2 (was legalised) respectively 1 lembar
2 recommendation letters from the principal who stated the potential for the candidate to continue the study in the college tinggi
3 photocopies of the birth certificate 1 lembar
4 photocopies of the account of electricity 2 months terakhir
5 photocopies of the card keluarga
6 photocopies of appreciation charter that had been accepted in the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL/SMK
7 measurement passport photographs 3x4 totalling 2 sheets

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

The scholarship Universitas al-azhar Indonesia

The condition for the Candidate the Recipient the Nusamtara Scholarship

1. Graduate SMA/Aliyah or was equal, the passing year 2007 or 2006.
2. Had the value in general the report on the I class, II and III minimal 7,0 for mathematic, Physic, Chemistry, Biology and English.
3. Had the value in general the Nasional Exam (the UN) minimal 7,0.

The condition for the candidate Submission the Recipient the Nusantara Scholarship

1. Field the form the Nusantara Scholarship.
2. attached the photograph copy the report on the I class, II and III that was legalised by the Principal.
3. Attached the photograph copy the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL certificate and the Nasional value of the Exam that was legalised by the Principal.
4. Attached the newest photograph pass (coloured)
5. Attached supporting information for the certificate of the sallary of parents ( legalized by the financial part/the superior/the chairman RT/that was other)

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Monday, January 14, 2008


Beasiswa Mahasiswa semester 3

The scholarship of GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program was offered to the students S1 in Indonesia, that was given from the semester of three up to the semester of eight.

The condition :
The student S1 from ITB, ITS, UGM, UI, UNAIR, UNDIP, UNIBRAW and UNPAD; in one of the routes along with: Economics (Accountancy, Studi of the Development, Manajemen), MIPA (Physics, Kimia, Matematika), Komputer Knowledge, Ilmu Lingkungan, Teknik (Electrical Engineering, Teknik Fisika, Teknik Industri, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Komputer, Teknik Lingkungan, or the Mesin Technique)
- IP the I semester and II minimal 3,0 (the scale 0-4)
- Be Aktif in the student organisation or the social activity lainnya
- had the English capacity that baik
- came from the family not mampu
- was not accepting the scholarship from the institution/the other sponsor.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Scholarship from Bank BCA

Beasiswa untuk Mahasiswa ( Semester 4 )

BCA established the work was the same as 16 universities and the foremost institute in Indonesia and gave the student's duty to 138 students from these tertiary institution agencies.

These agencies were :
- The Gajah Mada University
- The Indonesian university
- Diponegoro University
- Airlangga University
- Institut Pertanian Bogor
- Institut Teknologi Bandung
- The Sanata Dharma University(Yogyakarta)
- STIE Malang Kucecwara
- The Atmajaya University(Yogyakarta)
- The Institute of Teknologi Nasional Malang
- The Petra University
- The Surabaya University
- The Jendral Sudirman University
- The Widya Mandala University(Surabaya)
- The Padjajaran University

The Condition (syarat) :
1. The level student of the scholar (S1) ( Mahasiswa s-1)
2. Aged the maximum 21 years
3. did not yet marry (belum menikah)
4. already in the IV semester ( semester 4)
5. had Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 3.25
6. was not accepting the student's duty from the source or the otherinstitution

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Beasiswa Belajar Bahasa Inggris

A scholarship program offered to undergraduate students in any university in Indonesia (the 3rd year -above) to join an eight-week intensive English language courses at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Applicants must:
1. be 19-24 years of age
2. be an undergraduate student at least on the fifth semester (3rd year) in any field of study from any university in Indonesia ( minimal mahasiswa semester 5 universitas apapun )
3. be proficient in English with a minimum TOEFL®ITP score of 470 ( not a prediction test)
4. be committed in returning to their home universities immediately after the program
5. indicate a serious interest in learning about the United States
6. have a sustained high level of academic achievement
7. have had no prior study in the United States or elsewhere outside of Indonesia
8. be mature, responsible, independent, confident, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful and inquisitive
9. be willing and able to full participate in an intensive academic program

For more information click here

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Scholarship from (YAAB-ORBIT)

Beasiswa untuk Siswa SMA dan Mahasiswa

Yayasan Amal Abadi Beasiswa orangtua Bimbing Terpadu (YAAB-ORBIT) gave the help scholarship of the study cost to the not more well-off student but was high-achieving, with the number of scholarships for the SMU level/was equal of Rp.60,000 and for the level Akademi/
S-1 Rp.100,000 perbulan for 1 (one) year.

The condition :
1). Had the limitations in the educational cost
2) Minimal duduk di kelas II SMU/sederajat dengan rata-rata nilai raport persemester minimal 7.00
3) Minimal duduk di semester 3 dengan IPK minimal 2.75 (jurusaneksakta) dan IPK minimal 3.00 (jurusan non eksakta)
4) Aktif di kegiatan Intra dan atau ektra sekolah/kampus
5) Wajib berperan aktif dalam setiap kegiatan YAAB-ORBIT diperwakilan YAAB-ORBIT di daerah masing-masing
6) carried out the obligation as the scholarship recipient of YAAB-ORBIT

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Monday, January 7, 2008

The scholarship of the accountancy program was equal s-1 from the Bank BCA

Beasiswa program akuntansi setara s-1 dari Bank BCA

Pendidikan Akuntansi program (PPA) was equal S-1 the non degree that was held by BCA was designed especially to give the opportunity for the graduate of the Senior Secondary School to spread knowledge and skills in the accountancyfield

Candidates who succeeded in following the selection and being received in this program will accept monthly pocket money, the allowance ate while joining the program and the health guarantee was based on the policy of the company

The condition :
1. The Indonesian citizen
2. The Graduate High school (SMU/SMK)
3. The Age of the maximum 20 years
4. Thought Rapor on the Class 1-3 minimal in general 7.00
5. Thought Rapor on Mathematics/Ekonomi/Akuntansi minimal 7.00
6. Had not remained at the class
7. Had not been involved in illegal drugs and the violation of the other law
8. Passed in the process of the selection.

For more information click here or click here

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

The scholarship of the higher education consultant

Beasiswa S-1 dari Konsultan Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT)

For the community that wanted to continue education to the level of the university but the difficulty in the matter of funding, could put forward the scholarship to KPT.

Along with was the list of the university that was bundled into KPT ;
1. The Sains institute and Nasional Technology ( ISTN )
2. The university of Muhammadiyah Jakarta ( UMJ )
3. Pancasila university
4. The Asy-syafiiah islamic university
5. Suryadarma University
6. The Sains institute and Technology of Al Kamal
7. 17 Agustus 1945 University

The condition (syarat):
1. The scholarship was allocated for the community that his financial capacity was limited and had the motivation that was high to increase education ( diperuntukkan bagi yang finansialnya terbatas )
2. The major election was determined by KPT with considered (Pertimbangan pemilihan jurusan) :
a. The major that was chosen by the prospective student of the scholarship recipient (jurusan yang dipilih)
b. The place of the university priority that was wanted/had an interest taken in him by the student's candidate (urutan prioritas)
c. The location of the residence of the student's candidate (lokasi calon mahasiswa)

for more informtion click here

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Friday, January 4, 2008

The Egyptian government scholarship

Beasiswa S-1 Pemerintah Mesir

As the follow-up to the Memorandum of Undestanding (MoU) between the Department of the Religion and the University of Al-Azhar Egypt on September 25 1995, was agreed to in part that every year will be given by the scholarship and the non scholarship for the Indonesian student to study in the University of Al-Azhar Egypt

The condition followed the selection :
1. Graduate from Madrasah Aliyah (MAN)
2. The age of the certificate not more than 2 years
3. The Indonesian citizen who was religious Islam (WNI beragama Islam)
4. Filled in the form of the registration (Mengisi formulir)

The examination :
1. The exam wrote : arabic, islam religious knowledge,
2. The oral examination : arabic, islam religious knowledge, Memorised alquran 2 Juz.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

The scholarship from The Sampoerna Foundation

Beasiswa S-1 Yayasan Sampoerna

The Sampoerna foundation provided the scholarship program S1 Domestic to 20 (twenty) the young Indonesian child who needed the fund support to continue education to the level S1.

The scholarship that was given included matters as follows ( Beasiswa meliputi ) :
1. The registration cost to the university ( biaya pendaftaran )
2. University fees ( biaya kuliah )
3. Uang saku
4. The book allowance, the internet allowance, the researchallowance ( Tunjangan buku, internet, dan penelitian )

The condition and more information click here

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The scholarship from the Indonesian Government

Beasiswa Mahasiswa Program Teknisi Jardiknas

The bureau of Planning and the foreign Co-operation, Sekretariat Jenderal, Departemen of Nasional Education opened the opportunity to the SLTA graduate to join the academic educational program D3 and S1 through the Technician's program Jardiknas.

The educational cost will be subsidised by the government, while the student was still joining this program and was obeying conditions that were determined.

Informasi lebih lanjut klik disini

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The scholarship from the Japanese Government ( 3 )

Professional Training College (D-2)
Beasiswa dari Pemerintah Jepang ( Program D-2)

The condition (syarat) :
1. Graduate form high school (lulusan IPA/IPS)
2. Thought in general the certificate and the report 7,7 ( nilai rata-rata ijazah dan rapor kelas 3 semester terakhir masing-masing 7,7 )
3. The date of birth ( Between ) : April 2 1986 - April 2 1991

Exam material : English and mathematic
Note : All the matters of the exam in English ( soal ujian dalam bahasa inggris )

The registration :
- Date : Usually Mei - June
- The form ( Formulir dapat diambil ) could be taken in the Japanese Embassy :
1. Jakarta
Jl. MH Thamrin 24 Jakarta 10350 Phone : (021) 31924308 ps 175/176
2. Surabaya
Jl. Sumatera No 39 Surabaya Phone : (031) 5030008
3. Medan
Wisma BII Lt 5, Jl. P.Diponegoro No 18, Medan. Phone : (061) 4575193
4. Makassar
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No 31, Makssar Phone : (0411) 871030

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The scholarship from the Japanese Government ( 2 )

College of Technology (D-3)
Beasiswa dari Pemerintah Jepang ( Program D-3)

The condition (syarat) :
1. Graduate form high school (lulusan IPA)
2. Thought in general the certificate and the report 8.0 ( nilai rata-rata ijazah dan rapor kelas 3 semester terakhir masing-masing 8,0 )
3. The date of birth ( Between ) : April 2 1986 - April 2 1991

Exam material was :Mathematic and Chemistry/Physics(Depended the major that was taken)

The registration :
- Date : usually Mei - June
- The form ( Formulir dapat diambil ) could be taken in the Japanese Embassy :
1. Jakarta
Jl. MH Thamrin 24 Jakarta 10350 Phone : (021) 31924308 ps 175/176
2. Surabaya
Jl. Sumatera No 39 Surabaya Phone : (031) 5030008
3. Medan
Wisma BII Lt 5, Jl. P.Diponegoro No 18, Medan. Phone : (061) 4575193
4. Makassar
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No 31, Makssar Phone : (0411) 871030

for more information click here

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