Monday, January 7, 2008

The scholarship of the accountancy program was equal s-1 from the Bank BCA

Beasiswa program akuntansi setara s-1 dari Bank BCA

Pendidikan Akuntansi program (PPA) was equal S-1 the non degree that was held by BCA was designed especially to give the opportunity for the graduate of the Senior Secondary School to spread knowledge and skills in the accountancyfield

Candidates who succeeded in following the selection and being received in this program will accept monthly pocket money, the allowance ate while joining the program and the health guarantee was based on the policy of the company

The condition :
1. The Indonesian citizen
2. The Graduate High school (SMU/SMK)
3. The Age of the maximum 20 years
4. Thought Rapor on the Class 1-3 minimal in general 7.00
5. Thought Rapor on Mathematics/Ekonomi/Akuntansi minimal 7.00
6. Had not remained at the class
7. Had not been involved in illegal drugs and the violation of the other law
8. Passed in the process of the selection.

For more information click here or click here

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