Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The scholarship from the Japanese Government ( 2 )

College of Technology (D-3)
Beasiswa dari Pemerintah Jepang ( Program D-3)

The condition (syarat) :
1. Graduate form high school (lulusan IPA)
2. Thought in general the certificate and the report 8.0 ( nilai rata-rata ijazah dan rapor kelas 3 semester terakhir masing-masing 8,0 )
3. The date of birth ( Between ) : April 2 1986 - April 2 1991

Exam material was :Mathematic and Chemistry/Physics(Depended the major that was taken)

The registration :
- Date : usually Mei - June
- The form ( Formulir dapat diambil ) could be taken in the Japanese Embassy :
1. Jakarta
Jl. MH Thamrin 24 Jakarta 10350 Phone : (021) 31924308 ps 175/176
2. Surabaya
Jl. Sumatera No 39 Surabaya Phone : (031) 5030008
3. Medan
Wisma BII Lt 5, Jl. P.Diponegoro No 18, Medan. Phone : (061) 4575193
4. Makassar
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No 31, Makssar Phone : (0411) 871030

for more information click here

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